L1ghtsc0pe installation
Categories: Projects

L1ghtsc0pe –  Interactive installation 2009

Lightsc0pe is an interactive light installation made of plexi glass and laser drawings. It consists of 13 wall
mounted panes, one for each step of the staircase in Plaza Futura, where it is permanently installed. Infrared
sensors detect people walking up and down the stairs to illuminate the drawings in the plexi glass.

The work evokes an engaging temporal experience of light and form. The installation anticipates a composition
that follows the flow of traffic on the stairs. The composition is a linear progression of light and shape evolving
over time. The space is transformed from subtle to dynamic triggered by people walking on the stairs.

The idea of Lightscope to engage the audience through LED technology is expressed by the transformation of a code
generated drawing into a physical light installation. The transparency of the glass, combined with the illumination
of the etched lines emphasizes the structure of the brick wall and the environment of the space.

Lightscope is a collaboration with Roel Verlinden.
The installation is a commissioned artwork by Plaza Futura in Eindhoven.
Engineering by Didier Scheffens.


lightscoop IR sensors
photo lightscoop: Kim Vervuurt

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